FOI release

SIA response to a FOI request about guide dogs

Published 8 May 2024


Please could you tell me the number of guide dogs that have not passed their training per year in the past 5 years (2019-present)? Please could I have this information broken down to give: the reason for failure, updated summaries of the modules they take, and any other information held by the SIA relating to assistance dogs and guide dogs?


I can confirm that the SIA does not hold this information.

The SIA does not regulate or train guide dogs. The SIA is the regulator of the UK’s private security industry. We are responsible for licensing people who do certain jobs in the private security industry, like door supervision and security guarding, and for approving private security companies who wish to be part of our voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme.

For more information about us, you can visit our website here: Security Industry Authority - GOV.UK (

[Ref: FOI 0500]