
How to fill affidavit/affirmation of marital status form

Published 8 August 2022

Affirmation du statut civil

Je soussigné(e) (I, name and surname) Enter your full name as it appears on your passport (eg. Harry James Potter) (nom et prénom)
déclare solennellement et sincèrement ce que suit (do solemnly and sincerely affirm as follows):  
Nom de famille (surname): Your surname (eg. Potter)
Tous les prénoms (indiqués sur le passeport) (all forenames as shown on passport): Enter all given names (eg. Harry James)
Masculin/Féminin (male/female): Male or female
Date de naissance (date of birth): eg. 01/01/1980
Lieu de naissance (place of birth): City and country (eg. London, United Kingdom)
Adresse habituelle (usual address): Enter your UK address or your habitual address in any other country
Profession (occupation): eg. Engineer
Tous les prénoms et noms du père (all forenames and surname of mother): eg. Henry John Potter
Tous les prénoms et noms de la mère (all forenames and surname of mother): eg. Jane Potter
Nom de jeune fille de la mère (Mother’s maiden name): Mother’s surname before marriage (eg. Jones)
Numéro du passeport britannique (British passport number): eg. 123456789
Date et lieu de délivrance du passeport (date and place of issue of passport): eg. 11/12/2018, UK
Statut civil (marital status): Single/divorced/widowed
Si divorcé(e), date et lieu de délivrance du certificat de divorce définitif (if divorced, date and place of issue of decree absolute): eg. 10/10/2019, Harlow, UK (if single, leave empty)
Si veuf(ve), date et lieu de décès de l’ex conjoint(e) (if widowed, date and place of death of previous spouse): eg. 10/10/2019, France (if single, leave empty)
Religion (religion): Moroccan court requires foreign males wishing to marry Moroccan females to be Muslim, and foreign females wishing to marry Moroccan males to be either Muslim, Christian or Jewish.

J’ai plus de 18ans, ou

J’ai moins de 18ans mais l’accord des personnes qui devraient par la loi donner leur autorisation a été obtenu, ou

J’ai moins de 18 ans mais il n’y a aucune personne dont le consentement est exigé par la loi. *Rayer la mention inutile

Translation: I am not under 18 years of age or [I am under 18 years of age but the consent of the persons whose consent to the marriage is required by law has been obtained] or [I am under 18 years of age but there is no person whose consent to the marriage is required by law]*delete as appropriate.

Un mariage est proposé à être célébré entre moi et (a marriage is proposed to be solemnised between me and) Full name of Moroccan partner (nom et prénom du partenaire) (name and surname of partner)
habitant à (of) Address of your Moroccan partner (adresse habituelle du partenaire) (usual address)
de (a) Moroccan National (nationalité du partenaire) (nationality of partner)
à (at) City in which documents will be submitted at the court (eg. Casablanca) (lieu du mariage) (place of marriage)
le (on) Same date as your appointment date (date du mariage) (date of marriage)

Je suis libre de contracter ce mariage proposé et estime qu’il n’y a aucun obstacle en raison de parenté ou d’alliance ni autre empêchement à ce mariage par la loi.

I am free to enter into this proposed marriage and believe that there is not any impediment by reason of kindred or alliance, or other lawful hindrance, to this proposed marriage.

Signé(e) à ………………………………………………………………

(Signed at)

Ce ……………jour du mois de …………………………20……

(This ….. day of ……. 20…)


(Signature du déposant)

(Signature of deponent)

En ma présence (nom de témoin)

(Before me (name of witness))

Officier Consulaire à ……………………………………………..

(Consular Officer at)

Important points:

  • do not sign your affirmation until instructed to do so by the consular officer during your appointment
  • fill in the form in black characters. If you are filling in the form using a pen, please use a black ballpoint pen
  • if you are not sure about your appointment date, leave the ‘date of marriage’ section empty
  • print the form without editing or changing the format; bring a copy with you and send a copy to Name the document: your name-marriage-consulate that will be issuing the affidavit (eg. Harry James Potter-marriage-Marrakech)