
Bird flu helpline privacy notice

Updated 24 May 2024

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

Your data is being collected by

The data controller is the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) for personal data that you give to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).

APHA is an executive agency of Defra. You can contact APHA’s Data Protection Manager by email at

APHA also works with the Scottish Government and Welsh Government, who are joint controllers with APHA for any relevant personal data.

Any questions about how Defra and APHA are using your personal data and your associated rights should be sent to APHA’s Data Protection Manager by email at

The Data Protection Officer responsible for monitoring that Defra and APHA are meeting the requirements of the legislation can be contacted by email at:

What personal data is collected

We collect the following items of personal data:

  • name
  • contact details
  • details of the location of the dead bird(s) you have seen

How your data has been obtained

When you phone the APHA bird flu helpline to report the location of a dead bird that you have seen, our helpline system will automatically collect your phone number, unless your phone withholds your number. We will also ask you to provide your name and contact details.

Why APHA is using your data

To enable us to contact you with any queries, such as the exact location of the dead bird. We would also be able to let you know the outcome of the investigation of the dead bird that you have reported.

The legal basis for APHA processing your personal data (your name and contact details) is Article 6(1)(a) of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), which applies in cases where you that you have given your consent.

When you contact the bird flu helpline to report a dead bird, you are consenting to APHA holding and using your personal data (your name and contact details) in connection with your report as you freely and voluntarily provide us with these details.

You can withdraw your consent at any time and ask us to delete your contact details by contacting us at

There is not a legal or contractual requirement for you to provide your personal data (name and contact details) when you contact the bird flu helpline to report a dead bird that you have seen.

Consequences of not providing the necessary data

We will not be able to contact you to confirm the exact location of the dead bird that you have seen or gather any other details that would be necessary for us to have for our investigation. We would also not be able to let you know the outcome of our investigation of the dead bird that you have reported.

Who APHA shares your data with

In case of potential exposure to bird flu, APHA might need to share your data with UK Health Protection.

How long APHA holds personal data for

APHA will keep your personal data for the year you report the dead birds and for another 6 years.

Your rights

Find out about your rights under data protection law.


You have the right to lodge a complaint about the use of your personal data at any time with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO – the data protection supervisory authority).

APHA’s personal information charter

APHA’s personal information charter broadly sets out details of APHA’s processing of personal data.