
Bus statistics

Data and statistics about the local bus sector in Great Britain.

Latest bus statistics

Bus statistics

Statistics on the local bus sector in Great Britain, presenting information on passenger journeys, vehicle miles, levels of revenue, costs and government support, the vehicle fleet, staff employed and other indicators including punctuality. The department also collects statistics on concessionary travel, covering pass holders, journeys, expenditure and reimbursement to operators.

The majority of these statistics are updated annually, with information on bus fares available quarterly.

Bus statistics information on current and previous annual bus, quarterly bus, and concessionary travel statistics are available.

Data tables

Most bus statistics tables are published as part of the annual bus statistics publication. The structure of the bus statistics tables has changed. Full information on these changes can be found in the 2022 release and the tables index.

Historical bus statistics data tables and discontinued bus statistics data tables are also available for download.

About the bus statistics data and reports

Most of the statistics are from an annual survey of over 500 bus operators. Some figures are from smaller surveys of local authorities (for example, concessionary travel), the larger bus operators or other sources. London figures are provided by Transport for London.

Concessionary travel statistics tables containing data supplied by local authorities and industry bodies and those relating to bus service provision are outside the scope of accredited official statistics. The department’s view is that all statistics which are not designated are robust and have been produced to a suitable standard.

Full details of the data sources and methods used can be found in the bus and concessionary travel information page.

Other information on buses is available from these external sources:

Updates to this page

Published 24 September 2013
Last updated 12 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. Quarterly bus fares statistics for April to June 2024 published.

  2. Quarterly bus fares statistics for January to March 2024 published.

  3. Quarterly bus fares statistics for October to December 2023 and the revised annual bus statistics report for the year ending March 2023 added.

  4. Latest releases on quarterly bus fares, annual buses and concessionary travel statistics added.

  5. Quarterly bus fares for April to June 2023 added.

  6. Quarterly bus fares statistics for January to March 2023 added.

  7. Concessionary travel statistics for the year ending March 2022 added.

  8. Quarterly bus fares statistics for October to December 2022 added and annual bus statistics for the year ending March 2022 has been revised.

  9. Changes to collection outlining the quarterly bus data and the bus annual report for the year ending 2022.

  10. Quarterly bus statistics for April to June 2022 added. Note to changes for the quarterly series included.

  11. Quarterly bus statistics for the quarter January to March 2022 added.

  12. Included link to transport statistics survey in the details section of the page. Quarterly bus statistics, October to December 2021 added.

  13. Annual bus and concessionary travel statistics for the year ending March 2021 added.

  14. Quarterly bus statistics: April to June 2021 added.

  15. Quarterly bus statistics for January to March 2021 added to collection.

  16. Quarterly bus statistics for the period of October to December 2020 added to collection.

  17. Quarterly bus statistics for the period of July to September 2020 added to collection.

  18. Annual bus statistics report for the year ending March 2020, added to the collection of latest bus statistics.

  19. Bus statistics report for the quarterly period of April to June 2020 added to collection.

  20. Collection page updated for the latest bus statistics quarterly for the January to March 2020 report.

  21. Collection page updated for the latest bus statistics quarterly for the October to December 2019 report.

  22. Quarterly bus statistics: July to September 2019 report added to the collection page.

  23. Collection page updated for annual bus and concessionary travel statistics reports, year ending March 2019.

  24. Collection updated for 'Quarterly bus statistics: April to June 2019'.

  25. New release published - Quarterly bus statistics: January to March 2019.

  26. New release published on quarterly bus statistics for the period, October to December 2018.

  27. New releases published.

  28. New bus statistics release published.

  29. New release published.

  30. New release published.

  31. New release published.

  32. Quarterly bus statistics, July to September 2017.

  33. Bus and concessionary travel statistics for the year ending March 2017.

  34. New release published.

  35. New release published.

  36. New release published.

  37. New release published.

  38. New releases published and latest bus and concessionary travel statistics updated.

  39. New bus quarterly release published.

  40. New release published.

  41. New release published.

  42. Latest quarterly bus statistics.

  43. First published.