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The Ofsted registers

There are 2 Ofsted registers: the Early Years Register and the Childcare Register. Find out which to join and how to change registers.

Early Years Register

You should join this register if you’re caring for children aged from birth to 31 August after their fifth birthday.

You will need to meet all the safeguarding and welfare and the learning and development requirements of the Statutory requirements for the early years foundation stage.

Childcare Register

The Childcare Register has 2 parts:

  • Compulsory – for providers caring for children from 1 September after the child’s fifth birthday up until their eighth birthday
  • Voluntary – join this if you are looking after children aged 8 and over, or if you are choosing to register voluntarily (for example, if you’re a nanny)

Once you have joined the Childcare Register, you must meet the register requirements.

Which register to join

Type of childcare Type of register
Looking after children from birth to 31 August after their fifth birthday Early Years Register
Looking after children from 1 September after their fifth birthday up to their eighth birthday Compulsory part of the Childcare Register
Looking after children aged 8 and over Voluntary part of the Childcare Register
Looking after children as a nanny Voluntary part of the Childcare Register
Any other childcare when you don’t have to register with Ofsted Voluntary part of the Childcare Register

Joining both registers

If you register on the Early Years Register, you can also join the Childcare Register at no extra cost. You can do this when you apply or afterwards.

However, if you’re only registered on the Childcare Register, and you want to join the Early Years register, you need to apply separately and pay a fee.

Changing registers

If you’re on the Childcare Register already but want to join a different part (for example, you’re on the voluntary part of the register but want to join the compulsory part), contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231 or

If you want to join the Early Years register, you will need to apply: see the appropriate chapter for your kind of childcare.