Working Paper 43: Smallholder farmers’ choice of oil palm commercialisation model and household welfare in south-western Ghana

This paper studies smallholder farmers’ choice of oil palm commercialisation channels and implications for household welfare


This paper studies smallholder farmers’ choice of oil palm commercialisation channels and implications for household welfare. The study explores which factors have contributed to the breakdown of trust in contractual arrangements between farmers, oil palm companies and intermediaries. Additionally, the report explores which factors encourage or exclude households when it comes to participating in higher return oil palm commercialisation arrangements and the welfare differences associated with engagement in the observed channels of oil palm commercialisation.

This work is part of the APRA (Agricultural Policy Research Policy in Africa) Programme


Dzanku, F.M.; Asante, K.T., Quarmine, W. and Hodey, L.S. (2020) Smallholder Farmers’ Choice of Oil Palm Commercialisation Model and Household Welfare in South-western Ghana, Working Paper 43, Brighton: Future Agricultures Consortium

Working Paper 43: Smallholder farmers’ choice of oil palm commercialisation model and household welfare in south-western Ghana

Published 15 October 2020