Product Safety Report: EVER Sheen Cocoa Butter Beauty Soap (2302-0010)

Product Safety Report for EVER Sheen Cocoa Butter Beauty Soap presenting a serious chemical risk.


Product: EVER Sheen Cocoa Butter Beauty Soap

Hazard: The product presents a serious chemical risk as when tested, the soap was found to contain 2.96mg/kg mercury. Mercury is prohibited for use in cosmetic products.

Corrective action: Destruction of the product

Product information

Type Cosmetics – Beauty Soap
Product identifiers Box marked Ever Sheen, Cocoa Butter, Beauty Soap, 200g, Siparco-CI, 01 B.P. 906 Abidjan 01
Country of Origin Ivory Coast
Product Description Brown card box containing a bar of orange soap in a clear plastic wrapper
Product Report and Image Link to product image and PDF


The product presents a serious chemical risk as when tested, the cream was found to contain 2.96mg/kg mercury. Mercury is prohibited for use in cosmetic products. Mercury was also not listed as an ingredient. The product was also missing some required labelling and incorrect names were used on the ingredient list. For more information on how exposure to mercury can affect your health visit

The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Enforcement Regulations 2013.

Corrective action

Destruction of the product.

Additional information

PSD case number: 2302-0010

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Published 16 February 2023