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SAM71118 - Manage work: work management: W034 sundry charge quality check

Note: There is no requirement to review this work list pending further instructions.


A work item is created when one of the following events occur



  • Function CREATE SUNDRY CHARGE is used to create a charge of £1000 or more
  • Function MAINTAIN SUNDRY CHARGE is used to amend an existing charge of £1000 or more
  • Function MAINTAIN SUNDRY CHARGE is used to increase an existing charge to one of £1000 or more




  • Function CREATE OVER REPAYMENT CHARGE is used to create a charge of £1000 or more
  • An existing over – repayment charge is increased to £1000 or more
  • An existing over – repayment charge of £1000 or more is amended

Specific details

Other than details common or potentially common to all types of work item, the following specific details will be available



  • ‘Create’ if function CREATE SUNDRY CHARGE was used, or ‘Maintain’ if function MAINTAIN SUNDRY CHARGE was used
  • Amount of the current charge
  • Identity of the operator who created or amended the charge

Allocation of responsibility

The work item is allocated to the user role of Clerical Processing Manager in the office with processing responsibility.

Frequency of review

It is recommended that this list is reviewed as directed.

Updating of details

Until the work item is cleared, the following details held on the work item are updated by Work Management immediately the corresponding entry is updated on the taxpayer record





  • Taxpayer name
  • NINO
  • Employers reference (EMPREF) or Schedule D register number

Action to take on the work item

Advice on the action to take to clear the work item is available in the section ‘Transfer From PAYE To SA’, (SAM140051).

Deletion of the work item

The work item is not deleted automatically. It should be deleted manually using function WORK LIST CASES or function SELECTED CASE, on completion of the necessary clerical action.