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PAYE53021 - Employer returns: employer return work lists: EDI signals overridden by FBI (Action Guide)

Note: This work list is accessible using the ‘EDI Maintainer’ user role only and is allocated to the Online Customer Services Team and should be reviewed on a daily basis.

To take the appropriate action when there is an entry on the ‘EDI Signals Overridden By FBI’ work list follow steps 1 - 7 below

For details of how to access any of the Employer Business Service functions, use PAYE057.

Initial action

1. Use Function WORKLISTS to

  • Select work list type ‘EDI Signals Overridden By FBI’
  • Select a work item from that list

2. Contact the submitter to establish which method they wish to use in order to receive / file forms electronically using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or the Internet (formerly known as FBI)?

  • If EDI go to step 3
  • If Internet go to step 6

3. If the submitter confirms that they wish to receive / file forms by EDI ask them to de-register from the Internet service, those forms they wish to receive / file using EDI

When the submitter has successfully de-registered from the Internet service

4. Use Function AMEND ELECTRONIC BUSINESS INDICATORS to set the relevant EDI indicators again

5. Use Function WORKLISTS to delete the work item from the work list

6. If the submitter confirms that they wish to receive / file forms through the Internet, email EBX and IMS, Telford (PAYE Coding Analyst) to advise

  • The employer (quoting the employer reference and management unit) no longer wishes to receive / file forms by EDI
  • Details of what services are no longer required and the date this is to become effective

Note: A one week notice is required to prevent the issue of outgoing forms

7. When confirmation has been received from EBX and IMS, Telford

  • Use Function WORKLISTS to delete the work item from the work list