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Annex B: Handbook components

A matrix summarising each arrangement applicable to independent training providers under the handbook

The matrix below provides a brief summary of each arrangement applicable from 1 August 2024[1] . More details are provided on each arrangement in parts 3 to 5 of the handbook.

Note - a colour coded matrix is available in the pdf version of the manual.

In order to view the full width of the matrix, please use the horizontal bar at the bottom of the table to scroll along.

Arrangement summary Total annual funding the ITP receives directly from DfE/ESFA: more than £8 million Total annual funding the ITP receives directly from DfE/ESFA: more than £1 million up to £8 million Total annual funding the ITP receives directly from DfE/ESFA: more than £100,000 up to £1 million Total annual funding the ITP receives directly from DfE/ESFA: up to £100,000
To have at least one non-executive director (or equivalent) in place (companies only) to provide independent oversight of financial and governance processes. Required Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary
To have an audit and risk committee in place to direct and oversee independent assessment of financial and governance processes. Required Recommended Discretionary Discretionary
To have a funding compliance scrutiny function in place to oversee the submission of data that triggers funding. Required Required Recommended Discretionary
To comply with all contractual obligations and DfE / ESFA guidance in relation to sub-contracting arrangements and delivery. Required Required Required Required
To comply with a relevant published governance code. Required Recommended Discretionary Discretionary
To submit annual accounts to ESFA within timescales as set out in this handbook [2] Required Required Required Required
To maintain a rolling cash forecast which sets out expected financial position for the next 12 months. Required Required Required Discretionary
To submit financial health records as per any request from DfE/ESFA. Required Required Required Required
To have a counter fraud and error policy and procedures in place, and fraud awareness training for staff. Required Required Recommended Discretionary
To have risk management processes in place to include a risk management policy, risk register, business continuity policy, and conflict of interest policy. Required Required Recommended Discretionary
To have a whistleblowing policy in place which references how to make disclosures directly to DfE/ESFA. Required Required Required Discretionary
To have and to follow a formalised internal review process in relation to the ITP’s financial management and governance procedures. Required Recommended Discretionary Discretionary
To appoint an external auditor to provide an opinion on whether the annual accounts are true and fair, even if not a statutory requirement. Required Required Discretionary Discretionary
For ITPs whose annual accounts are externally audited, to provide management letters to ESFA. Required Recommended Discretionary Discretionary

[1] ESFA may extend the transition period for certain requirements beyond 1 August 2024 in response to sector feedback received following publication of this handbook.

[2] ITPs which only contract with DfE to deliver Skills Bootcamps are exempt from submitting accounts annually to DFE / ESFA, as DfE has alternative arrangements for assessing providers’ financial health.