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Information about the fees that Ofsted charges to register as a childminder, nanny or other childcare provider.

You must pay a fee when you apply:

  • to register
  • to get our approval for any additional premises

Once you’re registered, you need to pay the same fee annually on the anniversary of your registration or when your additional/different premises were approved.

We will cancel your registration if you do not pay your annual fee. This applies to all settings under your registration.

Fees to register or get another premises approved

The fee depends on which register you want to join. Find out more about the Ofsted registers.

Type of childcare Early Years Register Childcare Register Both registers
Childminder £35 £103 £35
Childcare on domestic/non-domestic premises £220 £114 £220
Nanny or au pair (home childcarer) not applicable £103 not applicable
Reduced fee for childcare on domestic/non-domestic premises £35   £35

If you are a childcare provider on domestic or non-domestic premises, you pay a reduced application and annual fee of £35 for the Early Years Register if you work for less than any of the following:

  • 3 hours a day
  • 5 days a week
  • 45 weeks a year

Other costs

There may be other costs associated with your registration (for example, DBS checks or training costs). For more information, see the chapter for the type of childcare you want to provide.


Ofsted cannot refund fees, even if you withdraw your application. This also applies if:

  • we refuse to grant registration and/or approval for additional or different premises
  • you’re disqualified from providing childcare

About our fees

The government decides on the fee amounts. Fees may change in the future.

Previous chapter: Registration requirements Next chapter: Pausing your application.