FOI release

Couriers used by the SIA

Published 24 November 2022

1. Request

Please send me the details of any companies who are contracted to provide courier services for the delivery and collection of packets, parcels, IT Equipment, etc.

Please confirm:

  • the value of either or both same day or next day service
  • the current expenditure per contract year for the provision of courier services
  • the expiry date of any contracts/agreements for the provision of courier services or similar services
  • the name, job title, telephone number and email address of the manager/officer responsible for the delivery of courier services or similar services

2. Response

I can confirm that the SIA does hold the information you have requested. The SIA does not hold any contracts for dedicated courier services. The building management team of the SIA’s headquarters includes the provision of mail room services, and these services are covered by their third party provider.

[Reference: FOI 0366]