News story

Ofqual consults on reform of functional skills

Ofqual is seeking views on its proposal to reform functional skills qualifications in English and maths.

Ofqual has today (27 September 2017) published a consultation on our approach to regulating reformed functional skills qualifications in English and maths. It closely links with a consultation on proposed subject content by the Department for Education.

We have also published a letter we received from Anne Milton MP, Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills, setting out the context for the proposed reforms.

Commenting on today’s publication, Sally Collier, Chief Regulator, said:

In this reform programme we seek to maintain the flexibility and workplace relevance of the existing qualifications, while providing the assurance that learners have demonstrated the knowledge and skills that employers need. We are asking for views on the design, delivery and awarding of these qualifications and on the detail of how to maintain standards across awarding organisations and over time.

Our consultation will end on 22 November 2017.

Wider stakeholder events

In addition to our online consultation we are hosting two events, which aim to:

  • explain our consultation proposals and the reasons behind them
  • give you the chance to discuss our proposals with others who have an interest in functional skills qualifications
  • give you the opportunity to give us your views, and ask any questions before you complete your consultation response

We will allocate places on a first come first served basis. Dependent on demand, it may only be possible to secure a place for one person from a single organisation.

The consultation events are in London on 2 November and in Leeds on 13 November.

If you have any queries, contact us on

Published 27 September 2017