Open consultation

Consultation on development of land adjoining Hampton Court Station Site

Updated 24 May 2024

Applies to England

1. Introduction

This consultation seeks information and evidence on the residential-led mixed use development that Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd and Alexpo (IOM) Ltd propose to build on the site of the former Jolly Boatman pub and on land adjoining Hampton Court Station at Hampton Court Way, East Molesey KT8 9AE. The development proposed is demolition and redevelopment to provide 97 homes, a hotel (84 beds) and retail units for uses within Use Class E, together with access, station interchange, car parking, servicing, new public realm, landscaping and other associated works. The site is currently derelict and has been for many years.

The consent of the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (‘the Secretary of State’) to this development has been sought by Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd and Alexpo (IOM) Ltd under Section 49 of the South Western Railway Act 1913. A planning process has been held in relation to the proposed development, concluding on 8 July 2022. The proposed development has planning permission. The Secretary of State has decided to consult to seek any new information or evidence relating to the proposed development that has emerged since the Planning Inquiry decision before reaching her view.

This consultation provides an opportunity for all interested parties to present to the Secretary of State, for her consideration, any information or evidence relating to the proposed development that you have not already submitted to the Secretary of State and which has emerged since full planning permission was granted for the proposed scheme on 8 July 2022 following a Planning Inquiry (ref APP/K3605/W/22/3291416).

Information or evidence previously submitted to the Secretary of State via correspondence since the conclusion of the planning inquiry on 8 July 2022 will be considered as part of the decision-making process. This information and any personal data connected to it will also fall within scope of the privacy notice.

The consultation will run for 9 weeks, from 10 April to 12 June 2024.


Planning inquiry decision

Elmbridge Borough Council refused Alexpo (IOM) Ltd and Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd’s application for the current development scheme (Ref 2018/3810 dated 19 December 2018), by notice dated 19 July 2021. Alexpo (IOM) Ltd and Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd subsequently made an appeal against this decision under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

On 8 July 2022, the Planning Inspectorate allowed the appeal and granted full planning permission for demolition and redevelopment, in accordance with the terms of the application Ref 2018/3810, dated 19 December 2018, but subject to the conditions set out in a schedule to the decision Ref APP/K3605/W/22/3291416.

Following the Planning Inspectorate’s decision, Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd and Alexpo (IOM) Ltd submitted a joint application to the Secretary of State on 19 May 2023, seeking consent under the South Western Railway Act 1913 for the development.

South Western Railway Act 1913

Section 49 of the South Western Railway Act 1913 provides that the consent of the Secretary of State is required for any proposed development that is to exceed 50 feet in height and be situated within 0.5 miles of any part of Hampton Court Palace.

2. The scope of the consultation

The purpose of the consultation is for the Secretary of State to capture all information or evidence that has not already been raised or considered as part of the planning process, which concluded with the Planning Inquiry’s decision on 8 July 2022.

We therefore request that you only submit information or evidence that you have not already submitted to the Secretary of State and which has emerged since full planning permission was granted for the proposed scheme on 8 July 2022, for the Secretary of State to consider as part of making her decision whether to consent to the proposed development. There is an open text box to accommodate your response.

Information or evidence that has been submitted to the Secretary of State on the proposed development since the conclusion of the planning inquiry on 8 July 2022 will be taken into account by the Secretary of State as part of her decision whether to consent to the proposed development. This information and any personal data connected to it will also fall under scope of the privacy notice.

We encourage groups or organisations to submit one entry on behalf of their membership. Any information or evidence that has been duplicated will not, on the basis of duplication alone, be given greater weight by the Secretary of State in her decision-making process.

3. Summary of questions

Section 1 - respondent details

Question 1: Are you responding to this consultation as an individual member of the public or on behalf of a group or organisation? [Select - a) individual b) on behalf of a group or organisation].

If yes, responding as an individual:

Question 2a: Your name [short text box] - optional

Question 2b: Your email address [short text box] - optional

If no, responding on behalf of an organisation/group

Question 3a: On whose behalf are you responding - [short text box] - optional

Question 3b: Your name [short text box] - optional

Question 3c: Your position [short text box] - optional

Question 3d: Your email address [short text box] - optional

Section 2

Question 1: Do you wish to submit any information or evidence relating to the proposed development that you have not already submitted to the Secretary of State and which has emerged since full planning permission was granted for the proposed scheme on 8 July 2022 following a Planning Inquiry? Please note that by selecting ‘No’, the survey will end and your response will be recorded. [Yes/No]

Question 2: Please provide the information or evidence you wish to submit via the text box below. You should only submit information or evidence that you have not already provided as part of the planning process or to the Secretary of State or policy officials on this matter. Information already provided will be taken into account by the Secretary of State as part of her decision whether to consent to the proposed development.

4. How to respond

Please respond to this consultation by completing the online response form.

We strongly encourage responses via the online survey. Using the online survey greatly assists our analysis of the responses, enabling more efficient and effective consideration of the issues raised for each question.

If you cannot access the link, please email your response to or post your response to:

Hampton Court Station development
Heritage team
1st Floor, 100 Parliament Street

This consultation is intended to be an entirely written exercise. Please contact if you require any other format (e.g. braille or large font). If you are responding in writing, please make it clear which questions you are responding to.


This public consultation will be open for 9 weeks, running from 10 April 2024 to 12 June 2024.

Next steps

The government’s response to this consultation will be published in due course following the closure of the consultation.

The government’s response will take all in-scope responses submitted to this consultation into account, and will be based on careful consideration of the points made in consultation responses, not the number of responses received.

5. Privacy Notice

Department for Culture, Media & Sport Privacy Notice for consultation on development of land adjoining Hampton Court Station Site

Who is collecting my data?

The Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) helps to drive growth, enrich lives and promote Britain abroad.

We protect and promote our cultural and artistic heritage and help businesses and communities to grow by investing in innovation and highlighting Britain as a fantastic place to visit. We help to give the UK a unique advantage on the global stage, striving for economic success.

This website (“Website“) is run by the Department for Culture, Media & Sport (“we” and “us“, “DCMS“). DCMS is the controller for the personal information we process, unless otherwise stated.

Purpose of this Privacy Notice

This notice is provided to meet the obligations as set out in Articles 13 and 14 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (“the DPA”). This notice sets out how DCMS will use your personal data as part of our legal obligations with regard to data protection.

The Department for Culture, Media & Sport’s personal information charter (opens in a new tab) explains how we deal with your information. It also explains how you can ask to view, change or remove your information from our records.

Privacy policies of other websites

The consultation survey can be accessed via Qualtrics. A copy of their privacy statement can be found here.

Please note that this survey platform uses cookies. Cookies are files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website.

We use cookies to collect and store information about how you use the website. You can manage your cookie preferences at any time by visiting the link to Qualtrics at the foot of the survey page and updating your preferences.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural living person, otherwise known as a ‘data subject’. A data subject is someone who can be recognised, directly or indirectly, by information such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or data relating to their physical,

physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity. These types of identifying information are known as ‘personal data’. Data protection law applies to the processing of personal data, including its collection, use and storage.

What personal data do we collect?

The personal information we collect and process is provided to us directly by you in the responses to this consultation. As an individual, this includes: your name and email address. As an organisation, this includes: the organisation name, your position within it and your email address.

How will we use your data?

We use personal information for a wide range of purposes, to enable us to carry out our functions as a government department. This includes contacting you for the purpose of seeking clarification on, or further details of, information or evidence submitted as part of this consultation; using the information or evidence provided to inform recommendations relating to the Secretary of State’s decision in relation to the proposed development.

To process this personal data, our legal reason for collecting or processing this data is: Article 6(1)(e): It is necessary to perform a public task (to carry out a public function or exercise powers set out in law, or to perform a specific task in the public interest that is set out in law)

The lawful basis that we rely on to process your personal data will determine which of the following rights are available to you. Much of the processing we do in DCMS will be necessary to meet our legal obligations or to perform a public task. If we hold personal data about you in different parts of DCMS for different purposes, then the legal basis we rely on in each case may not be the same.

What will happen if I do not provide this data?

If you do not provide your personal data, your responses will still be taken into account as part of the consultation process, albeit in anonymised format.

Who will your data be shared with?

DCMS has commissioned a third party, Qualtrics, to collect your personal data on its behalf. This means we have asked Qualtrics to collect your information via an online survey platform, which we will review as part of the consultation process.

Information provided in this consultation (not including personal information) may be shared with other government departments as well as arm’s-length bodies. The information provided may be published at an aggregated or anonymised level in the government’s consultation response, or disclosed in accordance with the access to information regimes (primarily under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004) subject to any applicable exemptions.

If we need to share your personal data further, and where there is a legal requirement to inform you of any such sharing, we will tell you and update this privacy notice accordingly.

How long will my data be held for?

We will only retain your personal data for one year in line with DCMS retention policy. It is needed for the purposes set out in this document

Will my data be used for automated decision making or profiling?

We will not use your data for any automated decision making. If we need to do so, we will let you know.

Will my data be transferred outside the European Economic Area and if it is how will it be protected?

We will not send your data beyond the European Economic Area. If we need to do so, we will let you know.

Where we provide links to websites of other organisations, this privacy notice does not cover how that organisation processes personal information. We encourage you to read the privacy notices of the other websites you visit.

What are your data protection rights?

You have rights over your personal data under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the supervisory authority for data protection legislation, and maintains a full explanation of these rights on their website

DCMS will ensure that we uphold your rights when processing your personal data.

How do I complain?

Senior Heritage Policy Advisor
Department for Culture, Media & Sport
100 Parliament Street


The contact details for the data controller’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) are:

Data Protection Officer
The Department for Culture, Media & Sport
100 Parliament Street


If you’re unhappy with the way we have handled your personal data and want to make a complaint, please write to the department’s Data Protection Officer or the Data Protection Manager at the relevant agency. You can contact the department’s Data Protection Officer using the details above.

How to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office

If you believe that your personal data has been misused or mishandled, you may make a complaint to the Information Commissioner, who is an independent regulator. You may also contact them to seek independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing.

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane


Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Any complaint to the Information Commissioner is without prejudice to your right to seek redress through the courts.

Changes to our privacy notice

We may make changes to this privacy policy. In that case, the ‘last updated’ date at the bottom of this page will also change. Any changes to this privacy policy will apply to you and your data immediately.

If these changes affect how your personal data is processed, DCMS will take reasonable steps to let you know.