Closed consultation

Commissioned research surveys: providers and settings

Updated 17 April 2024

Applies to England

As part of the Big Listen, we have commissioned 2 independent suppliers to carry out research on our behalf: IFF Research (IFF) and the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)

IFF Research

IFF will carry out research activities with leaders and other professionals in each of the sectors that Ofsted inspects and regulates.

IFF will contact leaders of providers and settings from the week beginning 15 April. If you are contacted, we would be grateful if you could complete the survey. We want to hear from as many people as possible so we can better understand your views and help us improve.

IFF would also like leaders of providers and settings to forward a survey to all their staff. This will ensure that the findings reflect the voices of all professionals involved in education and care. We encourage you to do this.

National Centre for Social Research

NatCen will carry out research activities with parents and carers.

NatCen will contact education providers and settings from the week beginning 29 April. They will ask you to forward a survey to your parent contact lists.

We want to hear from as many parents as possible, so we would be grateful if you could forward the survey on.

What happens next

Following the surveys, both suppliers will run follow-up focus groups. There will be an opportunity to express an interest in these at the end of each survey.

The findings from the commissioned research will complement the evidence we get from our formal consultation.