
Grants for oak with oak processionary moth (OPM)

Updated 5 June 2024

Applies to England

This grant is for a facilitator to bring together a group of people to understand the risks and hazards of oak processionary moth (OPM), as well as surveying trees for the presence of OPM.

Oak trees must be in the OPM Established Area .

The facilitator will get financial support and advice to:

  • coordinate a group of land managers
  • organise a survey
  • print signage for path diversions, and to raise awareness of site biosecurity protocols
  • buy biosecurity items including tape and posts to cordon off infested areas and boot cleaning items such as large containers, disinfectant and boot picks
  • create a group OPM management plan

The OPM management plan will set out:

  • site-specific actions for individual group members
  • area-based actions for the whole group

We expect it to take about 16 hours to complete.

Email to request a template of the OPM management plan. You may also want to refer to the OPM toolkit for more guidance.

The Forestry Commission will also run OPM workshops to support groups. Group members can learn from specialists about how to manage oak trees with OPM and the risks they pose.

Eligibility for the oak affected by OPM grant

To apply for this grant you’ll need to:

  • be part of a group
  • make one group application
  • have oak trees in the Established Area  that may be affected by OPM

You can apply for a grant to pay back the costs of:

  • your time spent acting as a facilitator for the group – forming the group, creating the group’s OPM management plan, organising tree surveying
  • hiring contractors to survey the group’s oak trees to identify OPM
  • signage, tape or posts to cordon off infested areas and boot cleaning items

Read about the role of the lead facilitator to find out what they need to do for a group application under the THP scheme.

Grant payment rates: oak affected by OPM

The Forestry Commission will fund standard costs at the specified rate in the grant payment rate table, regardless of the cost to you.

Actual costs means the total amount it costs for you to carry out the work or buy goods and services.

Type of grant Payment rate
Group facilitation £24 per hour
Tree surveying 100% of actual costs
Biosecurity items (signage, posts or tape and boot cleaning items) £70 standard cost

Apply for this grant

Apply for this grant or return to the THP scheme 2024 guidance.