National statistics

Vehicle licensing statistics: January to March 2020

Licensed and registered motor vehicle statistics in Great Britain and the United Kingdom for January to March 2020.


Vehicle licensing statistics: January to March 2020 tables

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Statistics on motor vehicles that were registered for the first time during January to March 2020 and those that were licensed at the end of March 2020.

There was a large decrease in new vehicle registrations linked to the measures implemented towards the end of March 2020 to limit the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

During January to March 2020, there were:

  • 599,000 vehicles registered for the first time in Great Britain
  • 33,696 ultra low emission vehicles registered for the first time in Great Britain

At the end of March 2020, there were:

  • 38.3 million licensed vehicles in Great Britain

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Published 30 June 2020