SEACAP 1. RRST Guidelines: Rural road pavement and surface condition monitoring.


The Guidelines synthesize the knowledge and experience developed under the Rural Road Surfacing Research (RRSR); including the Rural Road Surfacing Trials (RRST) and Rural Road Gravel Assessment Programme (RRGAP), as well as from other sources. Local and international experience and knowledge has also been compiled and contributed to develop recommendations on good practices for rural road pavement and surfacing monitoring.

As part of the short-term monitoring programme for RRST-I, Intech-TRL has already adopted or designed condition assessment forms suitable for various surfacing types and these form the basis to develop formal guidelines and approved forms. In addition to updated versions of these forms Intech-TRL have included the following as part of the Guidelines:

• Guidance on how to use the monitoring forms
• Guidance on the use of monitoring equipment such as the DCP and MERLIN
• Specifications for equipment
• Advice on planning and undertaking monitoring surveys
• Guidance on the collation and QA of collected data
• Advice on the storage and management of the data within the RRSR database
• Advice on the interpretation of the data and its links to maintenance requirements

The Guidelines also include appropriate diagrams, photographs and examples of collected data sets.


Intech Associates; TRL. SEACAP 1. RRST Guidelines: Rural road pavement and surface condition monitoring. (2007) 63 pp.

SEACAP 1. RRST Guidelines: Rural road pavement and surface condition monitoring.

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Published 1 January 2007