Guidance Note on Scaling up Social Norm Change: Risk Management and Monitoring (Brief 04)

This paper is one of 4 companion Briefs to the main guidance note on scaling up social norm change.


This paper is one of 4 companion Briefs to the main guidance note on scaling up social norm change. The fourth brief focuses on Risk management and monitoring. This Brief looks in further detail at a selection of the steps suggested in the main guidance note. Please see the main note for the full set of points regarding risk management when planning scale-up of social norm change. At the start of developing the scale-up strategy, undertake participatory assessments of risks involved. Explore possible consequences of the scale-up for the most marginalised and vulnerable (e.g. the women and girls suffering or at risk of violence; children and adults with disabilities who are excluded from resources and services) as well as the whole communities involved. Involve a wide range of stakeholders, and in particular the groups and communities that will participate in or be affected by the scale-up. Next stage is to set out a risk management strategy to respond to the above assessments. The foremost core principle of any scaling-up approach must be to do no harm, uphold human rights, embed an understanding of ethical issues that may arise during implementation and how to guarantee these during the scale-up, and set out an appropriate safeguarding strategy.

This K4D brief was prepared for the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) and its partners in support of pro-poor programmes


Carter, B. with Apgar, M. & Khan Mohmand, S. (2019). Brief 4. Scaling up social norm change: Risk management and monitoring. K4D Emerging Issues Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies

Guidance Note on Scaling up Social Norm Change: Risk Management and Monitoring (Brief 04)

Published 1 April 2019