Choose and Curate toward Commitment to Capable and Committed teachers (5Cs): A Set of Principles for Teacher Career Reform

5Cs are choose and curate toward commitment to capable and committed teachers


Classroom teaching is complex: this means that pursuing a vision of empowered, highly respected, strongly performance-normed, contextually embedded teaching professionals who cultivate student learning requires a systemic approach to teacher career reform. One such approach is a set of principles called the 5Cs: choose and curate toward commitment to capable and committed teachers.

This research is part of the Research on Improving Systems of Education programme


Hwa, Y-Y. 2023. Choose and Curate toward Commitment to Capable and Committed teachers (5Cs): A Set of Principles for Teacher Career Reform Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE).

Choose and Curate toward Commitment to Capable and Committed teachers (5Cs): A Set of Principles for Teacher Career Reform

Published 17 March 2023