Accessing clean energy in low income communities


These case studies (for Albania, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova) demonstrate ways in which communities in transitional economies have engaged with local authorities in order to successfully achieve access to energy infrastructure services.

The case studies have been generated as part of a research project (R8147, Impact of the withdrawal of modern energy on urban poor) investigating the impact of energy sector reform processes on low income urban communities. The project presents evidence on the extent to which communities have been affected by changes to date in energy industries, and explores how households are likely to respond to increases in costs in the future. The case studies complement the field survey work by giving examples of how marginal communities have managed to extend their choice of fuels.


Aliko, S.; Kona, L.; Bermet, S.; Jumagazy, S.; Jusupova, R.; Agape (Moldova). Accessing clean energy in low income communities. (2004) 10 pp.

Accessing clean energy in low income communities

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Published 1 January 2004