Product Safety Report: USB Bedside Table Lamp with 2 USB Fast Charging Ports sold via Fruugo (2208-0198)

Product Safety Report for USB Bedside Table Lamp with 2 USB Fast Charging Port presenting a high risk of electric shock.


Product: USB Bedside Table Lamp with 2 USB Fast Charging Port

Hazard: The product presents a high risk of electric shock as the earthing arrangements are insufficient.

Corrective action: The listing has been removed by the online marketplace. We recommend owners stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress.

Product information

Type Electrical appliances and equipment - Lamp
Country of Origin China
Product description Rectangular table desk lamp, with grey fabric lamp shade and black square base. 2 USB ports are located on the base of the lamp.
Product Report and Image Link to product image and PDF


The product presents a high risk of electric shock as there is inadequate protection against accidental contact with basic insulation and metal parts. When tested the product failed on insulation resistance, electric strength, touch current, protective conductor current, creepage distances and clearances. Consumers may touch live parts of the product as a result and receive an electric shock.

No marking label or instructions were provided.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.

Corrective action

We recommend owners stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress.

The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Fruugo).

Additional information

PSD case number: 2208-0198

Notified by: Office for Product Safety and Standards

Published 30 June 2023