Product Safety Report: Qyajia Sensor Ceiling Light MD-HWGY-CBXDD12 sold via eBay (2303-0069)

Product Safety Report for Qyajia Sensor Ceiling Light presenting a high risk of electric shock.


Product: Qyajia Sensor Ceiling Light MD-HWGY-CBXDD12

Hazard: The product presents a serious risk of electric shock as it is not supplied with adequate instructions for the safe installation of the product, with the possibility for the user to be exposed to live parts when installing the product.

Corrective action: The import has been rejected at the border and the listing removed by the online marketplace (eBay).

Product information

Type Electrical Appliances and Equipment - Ceiling Light
Brand Qyajia
eBay Item Number 402914135022
SKUID 0C000000139 9779
Country of Origin China
Product Description Sensor activated ceiling light supplied in brown cardboard packaging.
Product Report and Image Link to Product Image and PDF


The product presents a high risk of electric shock as it is not supplied with adequate instructions for the safe installation of the product. It is possible for the user to be exposed to live parts when installing the product, and may receive an electric shock. The product was also missing required labelling, markings and documentation.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.

Corrective action

The import has been rejected at the border.

The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (eBay).

Additional information

PSD case number: 2303-0069

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Published 27 March 2023