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DMBM618120 - Pre-enforcement: coding out: viewing NPS(PAYE)

The majority of this manual will be archived on 1 July 2024. If there is content within this manual you use regularly, email to let us know.

Viewing NPS(PAYE) allows you to access:

  • ‘Individually Summary’ screen displaying customer name address and date of birth
  • Contact History holds a record of NPS(PAYE) coding outstanding debt activity as well as other recent customer contact that may be relevant
  • ‘Indicator’ Screen displays SA UTR if available
  • Tax Coding Calculations screens to provide estimated pay and coding information for current year and the next year if annual coding has run
  • ‘Tax Coding’ Functionality allows users to view ‘Tax Code Details’ for all available years. The total amount of outstanding debt coded will show as ‘Outstanding Debt Restriction’.

Employments summary and employment details screens provide employment information for each separate tax year.