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AWRS71200 - Revocation: detail required in a letter notifying a period of notice prior to revocation

All letters notifying a period of notice/decision to revoke an approval must be on appropriate letter headed paper and include:

  • length of any period of notice given
  • date on which the approval expires
  • full reasons for revocation, clearly explained with reference to the fit and proper indicators and detail of any;
    • irregularities identified and when these were originally notified to the business
    • assessments/penalties which influenced your revocation decision
    • evidence that enquiries were made to establish the circumstances and underlying facts in seizures, previous refusals / revocations, connected person concerns and how the business was directly involved
    • analysis of any mitigation raised by the business in their response to the ‘minded to revoke’ letter
  • any new conditions of approval during the period of notice
  • your signature as the decision maker