Official Statistics

Monthly Insolvency Statistics, April 2021

Monthly company and individual insolvency statistics for England and Wales, as well as Northern Ireland, and monthly company statistics for Scotland, in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


Data Tables in Excel (xlsx) Format - Monthly Insolvency Statistics April 2021

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Data Tables in OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods) Format - Monthly Insolvency Statistics April 2021

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Company insolvencies

The number of registered company insolvencies in April 2021 was 925:

  • 23% lower than the number registered in the same month in the previous year (1,199 in April 2020), and
  • 35% lower than the number registered two years previously (1,429 in April 2019).

Individual insolvencies

For individuals, 812 bankruptcies and 1,425 Debt Relief Orders were registered. Bankruptcies and DRO numbers were both similar to April 2020, but lower than in April 2019 (pre-pandemic) by 46% (bankruptcies) and 40% (DROs).

There were, on average, 6,822 IVAs registered per month in the three-month period ending April 2021:

  • 22% higher than for the three-month period ending April 2020, and
  • 11% higher than the three-months ending April 2019.

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Published 18 May 2021

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