Accredited official statistics

Indices of Deprivation 2019: income and employment domains combined for England and Wales

This National Statistics output provides data on income and employment deprivation rates for small areas across England and Wales, as at 2015-16.

Applies to England and Wales



These statistics form supplementary outputs to the English indices of deprivation 2019 (IoD219) and the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 (WIMD).

They are different and supplementary to the separate official measures of relative deprivation within England and Wales. These datasets provide a directly measured indicator of income and employment deprivation, enabling comparable analysis across the two countries.

They provide consistent data on income and employment deprivation for small areas across both England and Wales, measured as at 2015-16. Because of this reference period, note that any impact on relative deprivation levels because of the coronavirus pandemic will not be seen in the data. However, these statistics may be useful in understanding communities that were most vulnerable before the pandemic.

Both datasets may be useful for those interested specifically in pan-England and Wales measures of local area deprivation.

Published 10 December 2020