Policy paper

Equality objectives 2023

Published 19 October 2023

Applies to England


1.1 The Equality Act 2010 requires all public bodies to publish equality objectives it thinks it should achieve to meet the general equality duty, sometimes called the Public Service Equality Duty.

1.2 The general equality duty says that public bodies must, in the exercise of their functions, have due regard to the need to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment, and victimisation
  • advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
  • foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

1.3 Our equality objectives build on those we published in July 2020. They were finalised following a statutory consultation between April to June 2023.

1.4 In preparing the equality objectives we have considered:

  • our fundamental objectives
  • provisions in the Equality Act 2010
  • the sector we regulate
  • our regulatory approach
  • the progress against our previous objectives.

1.5 These objectives are not the full picture of RSH’s equality, diversity and inclusion work. We have already taken steps to embed good practice, and the objectives identified are certain priority areas which build upon existing work and enable us to continue to improve.

1.6 We will review these objectives within the mandatory four-year period, and we will also keep these under review if we identify further areas which would benefit from setting equality objectives.

1.7 We will continue to provide annual updates on our progress against our objectives through our Equality information reports.

Equality objectives

Proposed objective Delivered by
1. We will use our role to help ensure that registered providers better understand the diverse needs of tenants. We will expect registered providers to take action to deliver equitable service outcomes for all. i. Emphasising the importance of EDI in our engagement with the sector, including at speaking events, in public consultations and sector-facing guidance and publications

ii. Reviewing the requirement in our existing standards which sets expectations of providers in respect of understanding the diverse needs of their tenants and consulting on any proposed changes [footnote 1]

iii. Reviewing how we gather assurance that providers meet the requirements in respect of diverse needs set out in the consumer standards as part of our new operating model [footnote 2]

iv. Considering the PSED in the formulation of our standards and carrying out inclusive consultation to allow for feedback from a range of stakeholders

v. Carrying out Equalities Impact Assessments on policies and programmes where our PSED applies and it is appropriate to do so.
2. We will be respectful and inclusive in our engagement and communication. i. Respectful, fair and inclusive communications and engagement that, where practical to do so, meet individuals’ communication needs

ii. Induction and regular refresher training on accessible communication skills for externally facing roles, this will include learning based on feedback received

iii. Our regulatory engagement with stakeholders, especially with tenants

iv. Adoption of a Staff Code of Conduct which builds on and reinforces our values and behaviours

v. Reviewing, updating and training our staff on our style guide in line with current good practice on inclusive communication to provide consistency in how we communicate.
3. We will provide a supportive and inclusive working environment for all. i. developing our approach to EDI in line with current and emerging research and good practice to cultivate a fair and inclusive environment where people feel valued and respected

ii. making our recruitment processes fully inclusive to attract and recruit a diverse range of people, focussing particularly on increasing ethnic diversity at senior levels

iii. developing our training offer to embed a positive working culture and provide everyone with opportunities to learn, develop and play to their strengths wherever possible

iv. providing opportunities for all to have their voices heard and to feel part of the regulator to promote individual wellbeing and increase visibility of different experiences.
  1. Exact wording of this deliverable may change depending on the outcome of the separate statutory consultation on our consumer standards 

  2. Exact wording of this deliverable may change depending on the outcome of the separate statutory consultation on our consumer standards and decision on how we will regulate against them