
Letter to the British High Commissioner from the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation concerning the interpretation of terms in the Rwanda partnership agreement (accessible)

Updated 13 May 2024

Republic of Rwanda
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

H.E. Omar Daair
British High Commissioner Rwanda

Kigali, 10 May 2024

Your Excellency,

I have the honour to refer to your letter dated 10 May 2024 on the interpretation of the terms “Relocated Individual” and “removed” in Article 1(1)(1) and the terms “other individuals arriving illegally in the United Kingdom” in Article 2(3)(b) of the Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Rwanda for the Provision of an Asylum Partnership to Strengthen Shared International Commitments on the Protection of Refugees and Migrants signed at Kigali on 5 December 2023 (“the Agreement”).

It is hereby confirmed that our two Governments are in agreement on the interpretation of these terms as detailed in your letter. It is further confirmed that the protections and guarantees under the Agreement apply equally to all relocated individuals.

If this is agreeable to your Government, I have the honour to confirm that your letter and this response constitute an agreement between our two Governments concerning the interpretation and application of these terms.


Clementine Mukeka

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation