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Migration Advisory Committee minutes, 7 August 2020

Published 28 July 2021

131st meeting of the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC)

Friday 7th August 2020 11am to 13:30pm

Video / Telephone Conference


  • Professor Brian Bell
  • Dr Jennifer Smith
  • Professor Jo Swaffield
  • Professor Jackline Wahba
  • Madeleine Sumption
  • Paul Regan
  • MAC Secretariat

Agenda item 1 – Welcome and introductions

1. Brian Bell opened the meeting, welcoming a new starter to the secretariat and also Ollie Carlisle, as the new ex-officio member Home Office. The minutes from the July meeting were agreed.

Agenda item 2 – Home Office, MAC secretariat and MAC updates

2. Paul Regan provided an update on Home Office business. Including:

  • The policy statement regarding the points-based system and rules surrounding the salary threshold was published.
  • The launch of the new immigration system is still on track.
  • The second reading of the Immigration Bill passed through the House of Lords.
  • The continuing work in relation to the issue of British nationals overseas in Hong Kong.
  • The recruitment for the three roles of future members of the MAC are on-going.
  • Home Office are working on next commission for MAC

3. Toby Nutley provided an update on secretariat business:

  • He gave an update on recruitment in the secretariat and the committee are on-going.
  • Work is proceeding on next commission for MAC

4. Brian Bell gave an update on meetings he has attended since the previous MAC meeting:

  • He met with Common Sense Group and Care England

Agenda item 3 – Social care and RQF1-2 Occupations

5. The secretariat and committee discussed the Social care and RQF1-2 Occupations.

Agenda item 4 – Occupation group 1: Skilled construction and building trades

6. The secretariat and committee discussed the occupations eligible for the SOL this group.

Agenda item 5 – Occupation group 2: Culture, media and sports occupations

7. The secretariat and committee discussed the occupations eligible for the SOL this group.

Agenda item 6 – Occupation group 3: Business associate professionals

8. The secretariat and committee discussed the occupations eligible for the SOL this group.

Agenda item 7 – Occupation group 4: Health and social care occupations

9. The secretariat and committee discussed the occupations eligible for the SOL this group.
Agenda item 8 – Occupation group 5: Energy and environment

10. The secretariat and committee discussed occupations eligible for the SOL this group.

Agenda item 9 – Occupation group 6: Administrative and secretarial occupations

11. The secretariat and committee discussed the occupations eligible for the SOL this group.

Agenda item 10 – Occupation group 7: Transport

12. The secretariat and committee discussed the occupations eligible for the SOL this group.

Agenda item 11 – Forward look – Occupation Group C and SOL timelines

13. The secretariat and committee agreed that occupation group C and RQF1-2 will be discussed the next MAC meeting.

Agenda item 12 – AOB

14. Brian and the committee said farewell to Paul Regan and thanked him for his work as his role of ex-officio member of the committee.

15. Brian and the committee said goodbye and thank you to Tom Blanchard who is leaving the secretariat.