Impact assessment

Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill: equality analysis

Examines the potential impact on protected groups of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill, which seeks to replace current legislation with Liberty Protection Safeguards.



This document looks at the positive, neutral and negative effects that this legislation could have on people with protected characteristics and other groups, such as carers.

This is in line with the Secretary of State’s Public Sector Equality Duty, and duties under the National Health Service Act 2006.

The Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill sets out the measures the government will take to replace the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) scheme in the Mental Capacity Act 2005. This is a process that authorises deprivations of liberty for the care and treatment of those who lack capacity.

The new system is called liberty protection safeguards.

As changes are made to the bill, the government will consider the equality issues and this document will be updated when appropriate.

Published 17 December 2018