
Sut gallwch chi fynychu neu gael mynediad i llysoedd neu dribiwnlysoedd

Mae’r canllaw hwn yn eich helpu i ddeall eich hawliau wrth fynychu gwrandawiadau llysoedd neu dribiwnlysoedd fel aelodau o’r cyhoedd.

Yn berthnasol i England, Gymru and Scotland


Sut gallwch chi fynychu neu gael mynediad i llysoedd neu dribiwnlysoedd

Gwneud cais am fformat hygyrch.
Os ydych chi'n defnyddio technoleg gynorthwyol (er enghraifft, rhaglen darllen sgrin) a bod angen fersiwn o'r ddogfen hon arnoch mewn fformat mwy hygyrch, e-bostiwch Rhowch wybod i ni pa fformat sydd ei angen arnoch. Bydd yn ein helpu ni os byddwch chi'n dweud pa dechnoleg gynorthwyol rydych chi'n ei defnyddio.


Mae’r canllaw hwn yn rhoi cyngor ar sut y gall aelodau o’r cyhoedd gael mynediad at wybodaeth am gwrandawiadau llysoedd neu dribiwnlysoedd.

Cyhoeddwyd ar 29 December 2023
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 29 May 2024 + show all updates
  1. Easy read version of guidance has been added.

  2. Changes made to the guide, and agreed by officials and judges, are updates to the following two sections: 3.6 Using phone and laptops 3.8 Live text based communications The published guide will be updated again in the next few days to reflect updates to the following sections: 3.6 Using phone and laptops Mobile phones and other devices such as laptops can be taken into the court or the tribunal room subject to any contrary order from a judge. They cannot be used to record any audio or video of the hearing, and they must not be used to transmit any information about the hearing. If you do take a device in with you please keep it on silent or turn it off if it’s not being used to avoid disrupting proceedings. 3.8 Live text based communications (for example social media)

  3. Updated information about bringing phones and laptops to court.

  4. Added translation