
[Withdrawn] Collecting drug and alcohol treatment outcomes information

Updated 14 March 2019

This guidance was withdrawn on

This page has been withdrawn because it’s out of date. For up-to-date information about the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS), see core data set documentation on the NDTMS website.

1. Introduction

Public Health England (PHE) collects a lot of information about users of drug and alcohol treatment services. This includes the outcomes of treatment.

This information gives a rounded picture of the impact of treatment and other care. PHE collects this information through the:

  • treatment outcomes profile (TOP)
  • alcohol outcomes record (AOR)
  • young people’s outcomes record (YPOR)
  • TOP and YPOR in secure settings

Local and national healthcare professionals can use the outcome data to improve services. The outcome data is available on the national drug treatment monitoring system (NDTMS).

Visit Drug and alcohol treatment outcomes: measuring effectiveness to download the TOP, AOR, YPOR and secure settings forms. The downloads include guidance on completing the form.

For technical information and guidance on submitting outcome data to PHE visit Alcohol and drug misuse treatment core dataset collection guidance.

2. Treatment outcomes profile (TOP)

The TOP measures change and progress in important areas of the lives of users of drug and alcohol treatment services.

It consists of a series of simple questions focusing on the areas that can make a real difference to patients’ lives. This includes:

  • substance use
  • injecting risk behaviour
  • crime and health
  • quality of life

2.1 How the information collected through TOP can be used

By collecting regular information, the TOP can be a powerful clinical, management and commissioning tool:

  • Keyworkers can use the TOP as a clinical tool to support the treatment planning process. It can help structure conversations with patients and set treatment goals.
  • Managers can use the TOP quarterly outcomes reports to track service performance and help with decisions about where to make improvements.
  • Commissioners can use the TOP data on NDTMS to help with monitoring contracts, setting priorities and identifying barriers to reintegration, such as jobs and housing.

2.2 Improving performance and outcomes

The TOP can help providers track and predict expected outcomes based on patient circumstances. It can also help predict the achievement of important outcomes.

For example, patients not misusing alcohol or drugs after six months of treatment are much more likely to complete treatment. In contrast, people who start using drugs at this stage are much less likely to complete. By tracking housing, education and employment, local areas can identify any further need of services.

Managers and commissioners can track patient progress and put measures in place to improve the potential of recovery.

3. Alcohol outcomes record (AOR)

The AOR measures change and progress of priority patients in treatment for alcohol misuse. It collects 4 outcomes from the TOP identified as a minimum set for priority patients.

These 4 outcomes are:

  • alcohol use
  • tobacco use
  • psychological health
  • physical health

Services can choose to complete either the AOR or the TOP with their patients.

4. Young people’s outcomes record (YPOR)

Local health keyworkers can use the YPOR to record outcomes data for young people in treatment for substance misuse.

It asks a series of questions about alcohol and drug use, and health and wellbeing, in the month before entering treatment. Keyworkers can then track changes in behaviour and health up until the young person leaves treatment.

By tracking these changes, the YPOR can help to focus discussions between the young person and their keyworker. This can help to improve their outcomes.

5. Measuring outcomes in secure settings

All secure settings should record a TOP or YPOR (depending on age) for any new detainees receiving substance misuse treatment. Secure settings includes:

  • prisons
  • immigration removal centres
  • secure children’s homes
  • welfare only homes
  • youth offender institutions
  • secure training centres

To download the TOP and YPOR for secure settings visit Drug and alcohol treatment outcomes: measuring effectiveness.

6. Further information

For background information about the TOP, AOR and YPOR visit the UK Government Web Archive.

For further information about measuring treatment outcomes and the TOP, AOR and YPOR forms please email