Transparency data

2013 maladministration report

This report details the range of allegations of maladministration reported to the STA maladministration team throughout the 2013 test cycle.


2013 maladministration report

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The term ‘maladministration’ refers to any act that could jeopardise the integrity, security or confidentiality of the national curriculum assessments and could lead to results that do not reflect the unaided abilities of children.

It could refer to a range of actions, including test papers being incorrectly opened, children cheating, over-aiding of children by test administrators or changes being made to children’s test scripts by someone other than the child.

This report details the numbers, sources and types of allegations of maladministration reported to the STA maladministration team throughout the 2013 test cycle across key stages 1 and 2. It also presents the numbers of amendments and annulments to results made in 2013.

Published 27 November 2014