Get a copy of a decree absolute or final order

How to get a copy of a decree absolute or final order depends on the information you have about the divorce, dissolution or annulment.

If you know the case number

It costs £11.

How you apply depends on your case number. If your case number is:

You should include:

  • your name and address
  • the case number
  • how you want to pay

You’ll get the copy within a week after the service centre or court gets your payment.

Pay by cheque or postal order

Make the cheque or postal order payable to ‘HM Courts & Tribunals Service’ and send it to the service centre or court.

Pay by credit or debit card

Include your phone number in your email or letter. The service centre or court will call you to take your payment.

If you do not know the case number

It costs £45 to search a 10-year period.

How you apply depends on when the divorce application was made and whether the application was online or by post. If it was made:

You should include your name and address and how you want to pay.

Give the service centre or court the date you think the case happened. They will search 5 years of records either side of that date.

If you cannot give them a date, they will search the last 10 years of records.

Pay by cheque or postal order

Make the cheque or postal order payable to ‘HM Courts & Tribunals Service’ and send it to the service centre or court.

Pay by credit or debit card

Include your phone number in your email or letter. The service centre or court will call you to take your payment.

If you do not know which court to ask

You can ask the Central Family Court to search for the decree absolute or final order.

Fill in form D440 and send it to the address on the form. It costs £65 for each 10 year period that’s searched.

Pay by cheque or postal order

Make the cheque or postal order payable to ‘HM Courts & Tribunals Service’ and send it with your form.

Pay by credit or debit card

The court will call you to take your payment. Include a letter with your form to request the call and give your phone number.