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  • This document includes guidance on first-time applicants, renewals, parental responsibility, court orders and loco parentis.

  • Statistics on children referred to and assessed by children's social services.

  • Immigration staff guidance on requirements for applications by children, including those applying as child dependants.

  • Asylum policy guidance for asylum applications involving children.

  • DCSF is now the Department for Education

  • The Office of the Children’s Commissioner promotes the rights, views and interests of children in policies or decisions affecting their lives. They particularly represent children who are vulnerable or who find it hard to make their views known. Office of...

  • Statistics on primary school children who are overweight, measured in reception and year 6 and presented for different ethnic groups.

  • Statistics on children under local authority care at national and local authority level.

  • Service Children’s Education (SCE) provided schools and educational support for the children of HM Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence (MOD) personnel and MOD-sponsored organisations stationed overseas. Its work is now carried out by the Directorate of Children and Young People...

  • Explore the impact of parental conflict on children and young people.