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  • Professor Susan Hopkins is the Chief Medical Advisor at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). In this capacity she leads the Clinical and Public Health Group whose objective is to provide professional health security, clinical and public health leadership. Susan...

  • Professor Charlotte Watts is Chief Scientific Adviser and Director for Research and Evidence at the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). She is seconded from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where she is Professor of Social...

  • Roger Brownsword has been a member of the UK NSC since 2010. He is an expert in law, regulation and technology, biolaw and bioethics, and commercial and contract law. He holds professorial positions in law at King’s College London, where...

  • Employment Appeal Tribunal Judgment of Mrs Justice Eady on 23 April 2024.

  • Professor John Perkins was appointed Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in 2012. John is currently an Honorary Professor at Manchester University, a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London and a member of the EPSRC...

  • Professor James Smith is a Commonwealth Scholarship Commissioner. James is also Vice Principal International and Chair of Africa and Development Studies at the University of Edinburgh.

  • Rachel will join the University of Sussex in August 2021 from the University of Southampton. As Provost, she will be Sussex’s most senior academic, overseeing all Schools. Rachel has a distinguished scientific record and has carried out a wide range...

  • Professor Sarah Hawkes is a Commonwealth Scholarship Commissioner. Sarah is Professor of Global Public Health at University College London, Director of the Centre for Gender and Global Health at UCL and co-Director of Global Health 50/50.

  • Professor Bell has been a Professor of Economics at King’s Business School within Kings College London since January 2017, following 4 years as an associate professor in the Department of Economics at Oxford University. Professor Bell is a world leading...

  • The DCMS College of Experts is made up of 49 external experts from across academia and industry and will provide a mechanism for the department to access external expertise and guidance.

  • Russell Viner is Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department for Education. He is a paediatrician and professor at the University College London (UCL) Great Ormond St. Institute of Child Health and works clinically at University College London Hospitals (UCLH). His...

  • Steven leads the Data, Analytics and Surveillance group within the UK Health Security Agency ( UKHSA ) which provides a world-class analytics capability that informs health protection activities, decision-making, and outcomes. Steven joined UKHSA from Imperial College where he is...

  • Professor Anna Vignoles is a Professor of Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge. Prior to that she was Professor of Economics of Education at the Institute Of Education and a Research Fellow at the London...

  • Thomas Hoehn (appointed in 2009) is a Visiting Professor and research fellow at the Imperial College Business School, London, where he teaches Executive Education courses on Business Economics and Smart Cities. He is the Geschäftsführer of Antitrust & TradeRx GmbH,...

  • Sergi Pardos-Prado is Professor of Comparative Politics and Research Director of the Politics and International Relations department at the University of Glasgow. He was previously Associate Professor in Politics at Merton College, University of Oxford, and Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow...

  • Sir Paul Curran is President and Professor of Physical Geography at City University of London. His research is in the field of environmental Earth observation from satellite and airborne sensors. He studied at the Universities of Sheffield, Southampton and Bristol....

  • Professor Dame Angela McLean DBE FRS is the Government Chief Scientific Adviser having taken up the role in April 2023. She is also Head of the Government Science and Engineering Profession. Prior to this Angela was the Chief Scientific Adviser...