Enhancing rural transport connectivity to regional and international transport networks in Asia and the Pacific

This paper aims to stimulate a wider discussion on what governments can do to enhance rural transport connectivity to higher level networks


This Monograph aims to stimulate a wider discussion on what governments can do to enhance rural transport connectivity to higher level networks, and in doing so, make their rural transport networks more effective conduits for socioeconomic development. It is setting out the case for why vertical connectivity is an important policy objective for transport policymakers at all levels, including rural, state and national; it assesses how different components of transport systems, namely infrastructure, services and nodes, contribute to this connectivity; and examines how rural transport connectivity is being integrated into policymaking and financing decisions, and what kind of data is needed to support these processes.

This work is part of the Applied Research on Rural Roads and Transport Services through Community Access Programmes in Africa and Asia (AFCAP2 and AsCAP)


UNESCAP (2019). Enhancing rural transport connectivity to regional and international transport networks in Asia and the Pacific. In: Monograph Series on Sustainable and Inclusive Transport. Bangkok: UNESCAP.

Enhancing rural transport connectivity to regional and international transport networks in Asia and the Pacific

Published 20 December 2019