Dreampipe Challenge II: Final Evaluation Report

The Dreampipe Challenge was a competition that aimed to increase funding of activities designed to reduce non-revenue water


The Dreampipe Challenge was a competition that aimed to increase funding of activities designed to reduce non-revenue water (NRW). NRW is the difference between the amount supplied by utilities and that billed to users. Dreampipe, which ran from 2016 to 2018, focused on the UK Department for International Development’s 28 priority countries in Africa and Asia, where NRW is particularly relevant due to water scarcity, rapid urbanisation and a growing population.

To increase sustainability, investments had to come from non-traditional sources, mainly commercial lenders, as opposed to governments, development banks and agencies. Dreampipe, which was delivered by IMC Worldwide, is one of a number of innovation prizes under the UK Aid funded ‘Ideas to Impact’ programme, which was established to test the value of using innovation prizes to achieve international development outcomes, often to encourage people to act differently over months or years. The programme’s evaluators at Itad are supporting ‘Ideas to Impact’ to understand if such prizes worked as intended, and when and where they could be useful as a funding mechanism for international development, compared to other forms of funding, such as grants.

This Dreampipe evaluation report explores what they found out. A summary of the report is available, along with a briefing note. A short animation about the Dreampipe Challenge is also available


  • Catherine Gould, Cheryl Brown (2019) Dreampipe Challenge II: Final Evaluation Report. Ideas to Impact

  • Catherine Gould, Cheryl Brown (2019) The Dreampipe Challenge: Reducing Water Losses in Low-income Countries: Final Evaluation Summary. Ideas to Impact

Published 30 November 2019