Product Safety Report: Electric Toy Gun, HK416D sold via Amazon (2309-0076 and 2308-0155)

Product Safety Report for Electric Toy Gun, HK416D sold via Amazon presenting a high risk of injuries.


Product: Electric Toy Gun, HK416D sold via Amazon

Hazard: The product presents a high risk as the chamber of the product itself is made such that a sharp object can be placed inside and fired.

Corrective action: The import has been rejected at the border. Destruction of the product. Removal of the listing by the online marketplace (Amazon).

Product information

Type Toys – Electric toy gun
Model HK416D
Other identifiers X001J5QB6P, X001J47U0R, FBA15GTTSTHLU000063, FBA15GZQ1YTTU000097
Country of Origin China
Product Description A red M416 assault rifle styled toy gun that shoots foam darts. Also includes battery powered attachable accessories.
Product Report and Image Link to Product Image and PDF


The product presents a high risk as the chamber of the product itself is made such that a sharp object can be placed inside and fired. This could result in serious injury if the object were to hit someone. In addition, the darts, and the flexible plastic bag used for packaging pose an asphyxiation risk. All five of the darts included were measured to be below the minimum 57mm specified, which could result in an airway obstruction. The flexible plastic bag used for packaging has a thickness less than the minimum requirement. Improvements are required to documentation, warnings and markings.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

Corrective action

The import has been rejected at the border and destroyed. The listings have been removed by the online marketplace (Amazon).

Additional information

PSD case number: 2309-0076 and 2308-0155

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Published 29 September 2023