Product Safety Report: Day Plus Telescopic Ladder 2m + 2.3m (2109-0175)

Product Safety Report for Day Plus Telescopic Ladder 2m + 2.3m presenting a serious risk of a fall from height


Product: Day Plus Telescopic Ladder 2m + 2.3m (2109-0175)

Hazard: This product poses a serious risk of injury to the user due to the ladder’s poor strength and construction.

Corrective action: Destruction of the product at the border.

Product information

Type Other - Telescopic Ladder
Barcode G1671-DX-2-2.3
Country of Origin China
Product description Aluminium telescopic ladder, supplied in plain cardboard box with brand and size on the front and side
Product Report and Image Link to Product Image and PDF


This product poses a serious risk of injury to the user. When inspected the product was considered to be of a similar design to that which had already been assessed as unsafe. Additionally, the pamphlets supplied with the product do not provide adequate instructions for safe use and maintenance of the ladder. A CE mark was falsely applied.

This product does not meet the requirements of the General Product Safety Regulations 2005.

Corrective action

Destruction of the product at the border.

Additional information

PSD case number: 2109-0175

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Published 26 March 2022