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SPM201200 - Change in Circumstances - request to change start/end date of ASPP (Historical Information)

If an employee wishes to change the start/end date of their ASPP, either before or after the Additional Paternity Leave has started, they must give their employer written notice at least six weeks before the earlier of the:

  • original start/end date or
  • new date.

If less than six weeks notice is given, the employer can insist the leave starts on the date previously notified or can postpone the return to work until six weeks notice has been given, or on the date previously notified, whichever is sooner.

There may be cases where it is not reasonably practicable to give six weeks notice in these cases it must be done as soon as possible.

The employer must confirm (in writing) within 28 days the date on which their employee’s ASPP pay period begins (or began) and ends.