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CG17513 - Indexation: example: sale and leaseback

X Ltd acquires in March 1987 a printing press costing £100,000.

It is disposed of in March 1993 under a sale and leaseback arrangement for £27,000.

The capital allowances, after deducting the balancing charge, amount to £73,000.

A sale and leaseback is treated as a part-disposal. See CG70774.

The value of the retained interest is £1,000.

- -   - - - £
- Disposal proceeds - - - - 27,000
Less Cost - - - - 100,000
- Allow 27,000 x 100,000 96,248 -
- - (27,000 + 1,000) - - - -
- Deduct capital allowances - - - 73,000 23,428
- - Unindexed gain - - - 3,572
Less Indexation 23,428 x 0.385 - - - 9,020
- - ALLOWABLE LOSS - - - 5,448