
Working with Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management R & D Programme

We collaboratively develop research which will deliver benefits for the FCERM practitioner community.

We share information between organisations, disciplines and scientists and practitioners. We work collaboratively to avoid duplicating work and investment.

Who we work with

Our partners include:

  • government departments across England and Wales
  • arms-length public bodies across the UK
  • academia, including universities and UK and overseas funding bodies
  • public sector research establishments and industry forum partnerships
  • risk management authorities in England and Wales
  • third sector organisations
  • supply chain partners
  • professional institutions

How our projects are decided

Groups who commission research projects are:

  • Theme Advisory Groups (TAGs) made up of experts from a variety of backgrounds who advise on scientific needs and opportunities.
  • Joint Programme Management Team (EA, Defra, NRW and WG) who advise on priorities and look for project synergies.
  • Joint Programme Board (EA, Defra, NRW and WG) who decide on priorities and are accountable for the programme.

Get involved

If you’re looking for support or would like to partner with our research and development programme please read our Apply for research support and partnerships page.

Although we have limited resources and we receive lots of requests for support we always evaluate requests and proposals objectively. Please email us If you’re proposing a large and high risk partnership you should provide us with as much detail as possible and allow us time to respond.

We’ll acknowledge that we’ve received your email and we’ll send it to the appropriate theme lead. It can then take up to 3 weeks to achieve the necessary approvals to commit to a request.

Do not email us if your request is for:

Published 15 December 2020