National statistics

Vehicle licensing statistics: January to March 2013

Statistics on licensed motor vehicles in Great Britain from January to March 2013.


Vehicle licensing statistics: January to March 2013 report

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Information on motor vehicles in Great Britain that were licensed on 31 March 2013, or which were registered for the first time during January to March 2013.

The statistics are derived from data held by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), which administers vehicle registration and licensing records in Great Britain.

During January to March 2013:

  • there were 34.6 million vehicles licensed for use on the roads in Great Britain on 31 March 2013. Of these vehicles, 28.8 million were cars
  • the numbers of licensed heavy goods vehicles, buses, coaches and motorcycles have been on a generally downward trend since the recession of 2008 to 2009, and the rate of increase in other types of vehicles has slowed
  • 711,000 vehicles were registered for the first time in Great Britain, up 6.5% on the same quarter of the previous year.
  • a total of 837 new ultra-low emission vehicles were registered for the first time (in the UK)
  • average CO2 emissions from new cars fell from 131.6 g/km in October to December 2012 to 129.7 g/km

Technical information

Information on vehicle licensing statistics, including the pre-release access list is available.

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Published 13 June 2013