FOI release

Correspondence between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019: SSAC FOI response

Updated 11 February 2021

1. Information request

Can you please confirm how many of the following you received between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019?

  • complaints
  • data protection requests and/or subject access requests
  • freedom of information requests
  • correspondences from ministers

Can you also confirm which job title/role and department has accountability for response times for each of those areas please (appreciate names can’t be given)?

2. Response

The Social Security Advisory Committee is a statutory independent non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions. The committee is supported by a small secretariat of 4 which manages the above aspects of its administration.

The committee publishes the Freedom of Information requests it receives, and its responses to them, on this website. As this information is already reasonably accessible in the public domain, section 21 of the Freedom of Information act applies.

In terms of the other information you have requested, the committee has received:

  • 0 complaints
  • 0 data protection requests or subject access requests
  • 2 letters from ministers