FOI release

Information technology systems and support: SSAC FOI response

Updated 28 February 2020

Information request

Received 12 February 2019

1. Local Area Network

a) What Manufacturer is your LAN Network?
b) What date does your support contract come up for renewal on the LAN Network?
c) What is the current cost of the LAN Network Support?
d) Which company is the support contract with?

2. Contacts

a) Who is responsible for ICT in the organisation and what are their contact details?
b) Who is responsible for ICT Infrastructure in the organisation and what are their contact details?
c) Who is responsible for ICT Purchasing in the organisation and what are their contact details?

3. Staff

a) How many IT users do you have?
b) How many locations/offices do you have?


28 February 2019

The Social Security Advisory Committee is an independent non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions. Its secretariat is located at Caxton House, and currently has three IT users.

The Committee does not hold any of the other information you have requested. Our information technology systems and support is arranged by the Department for Work and Pensions.