
Hurricane in a bottle (Resource 3) - HTML

Published 22 January 2024

1. Activity Time!

1.1 You will need:

  • two 2 litre plastic bottles
  • tape
  • water

Top tip! Make sure you have a clear and covered work surface because this activity can get things quite wet! Put anything away that you don’t want to get wet. It’s best to prepare this activity over a sink.

1.2 What to do:

  1. fill one of the plastic bottles with water to about three-quarters full
  2. tape the open hole of the second bottle to the open hole of the filled bottle. Use lots of tape and make sure it’s tight!
  3. spin the bottles to create a circular whirlpool in the bottle then, while holding both of the bottles steady, turn the bottles over and watch the water drain like a hurricane

1.3 Think about it

What does this activity help us to learn about hurricanes?

1.4 Share it

Take some photos of this activity to share with your class at school.

1.5 Extension/challenge

Get your thinking cap on!

Can you find or design your own experiment/activity to replicate a hurricane?