FOI release

SIA retention period for personal data

Published 4 January 2021

1. Request

How long do you store our personal details after our licence has expired?

2. Response

How long we keep information you give to us depends on exactly what information it is, why we need it, and what we use it for.

There will usually be a legal reason for keeping your personal information for a particular period of time.

Our retention schedules for some of the types of information we hold about you are as follows:

  • criminality information - active until no further action on licence (such as renewal), then keep for 10 years
  • intelligence we receive - active until no further action on licence (such as renewal), then keep for 10 years
  • correspondence related to our Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) - 7 years
  • ACS decisions - active until no further action (such as renewal), then keep for 10 years
  • data held for licence processing purposes - active until no further action on licence (such as renewal), then keep for 10 years
  • data relating to investigations by our Partnerships & Interventions team - 7 years

[Reference: FOI 0231]