
Seatbelt and mobile phone use surveys, Great Britain: pre-release access

Updated 30 May 2024

Contains an overview on the proportion of drivers observed using a hand-held mobile phone and the proportion of drivers and passengers wearing seatbelts whilst driving in Great Britain, from a roadside observation survey.

The following post holders are given pre-release access to the publication for up to 24 hours prior to release.

Pre-release Access Recipient Department
Secretary of State for Transport DfT
DfT Ministers and Special Advisors DfT
Permanent Secretary (*2) DfT
Director General: Roads DfT
Director General: Public Transport and Local DfT
Director: Local Transport (*2) DfT
Deputy Director: Road Safety Division DfT
Policy Officials: Road Safety Division (*2) DfT
Policy Official: Micromobility DfT
Senior campaign manager: THINK! campaign (*2) DfT
Press Officer (*2) DfT